Plow Me a River!

It’s a terribly rainy day on the farm. It feels like everything has been wet for months. If it wasn’t melting snow, it is sporadic rain storms. Don’t get me wrong, I love both rain and snow, but now that I’ve been trying for weeks to turn over ground for a spring garden, the two have been causing me much angst!


And perhaps I shouldn’t tell you that I almost got the tractor stuck last week trying to plow… and then again yesterday trying to till… multiple approaches and it boils down to just being too wet. Thankfully they laid gravel on the driveway before rainy season – less chance that I’ll get the car stuck [again].

It could also be that the farm is situated at the top of a hill with wetlands and multiple streams coursing all through the surrounding land. This makes the natural spring that provides the house with water very prolific, but it doesn’t help when you just want to plow. Soon. Patience. Almost there.

At least we got a fire pit in before the rain started.


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