O Christmas Tree, the Virginia Way

Roaming the woods searching for the perfect Christmas tree is easier said than done. My fourteen year-old black lab, Miss Bit, ran along beside us, keeping a keen eye out for stray rabbits that…

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Fall Harvest with Melissa Clark

Final Harvest Like much of the world, we have been plunged into darkness and cold for the next few months of winter. The harvest is over and our final haul consisted of…

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Summer’s Bounty

I can't remember a summer where I've enjoyed the fruits and vegetables of the season more than this one. Although it was a busy summer with work and more house…

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Ode to a Pine

Thankfully the renovation storms inside have died down, but the summer storms outside have raged many nights. It seems that three or four blow through each week, marked as blobs of…

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Vegetable Garden Evolution

With it being nearly 100 degrees in Northeast Virginia with no pool in sight, writing about the garden seemed like a much better deal than working in it. It has been three…

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